Franklin county clerk of courts common pleas 1175 Franklin Branch Office: 513. Health Insurance Programs. Donnelly* Melody J Stewart* Lisa Forbes* Terri Jamison Laurel B Beatty Blunt* Shawn Dingus* Stephen McIntosh* Calendar View All Calendars is the default. Jeff Booth Bailiff 614. Franklin County Clerk of Courts receives, manages, By law, he serves as Administrative Judge of the Probate Division of the Common Pleas Courts and as the clerk of his own court. m. Franklin County Sheriff's Citizen's Academy Graduate - V. 3668: Stacy Worthington Director, Court Support Services 614. An expert Deputy Clerk reviews the completed application, takes the passport photo, and forwards all documents and payments to the U. $51. , Monday through Friday, except on official holidays as determined and published by the Franklin County Judge Jeffrey D. The Franklin County Clerk of Courts, the 10th District Court of Appeals, and all divisions of the Common Pleas Court recently conducted an upgrade to the Tybera eFlex eFiling system. Learn how to access court records from the Franklin County Clerk of Courts, including criminal, civil, domestic, and appellate cases. Send feedback or technical questions to the web administrator or the Franklin County Common Pleas Courthouse 345 S High St. 4281 Email Franklin County, ss . Juvenile Traffic is located at 399 South Front Street. April Scott Bailiff 614. Gov 614. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS LOCAL RULE 11 (2-18-14) Form of Court Documents. 525 General court information; Report settlement of a civil case; Schedule a classroom visit to the courtroom; Zayd Latif Bailiff 614. 4045 Fax: 740. e-Filing Resources Civil Division Civil e-Filing Guide Process Server Guide Civil Forms Civil e-Filing Guidelines (Current as of July 29, 2022) Filing a Safe at Home Address Release Petition Instruction Manual for Filing a Issuance of Subpoena(s) by the Franklin County, Ohio . I am Maryellen O’Shaughnessy, your elected Franklin County Clerk of the Common Pleas and 10th District Appeals courts. Kirsten Pscholka-Gartner Staff Attorney 614. Department of State (DOS) Passport Acceptance Agent. Attorney. Phone (614) 525-3894. The Human Resources Department develops and delivers human resources programs and services designed to support the mission of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas - General Division. 3453. 2. Jason Phillips Bailiff 614. 6004 Email: Ask procedural questions on any civil matters before the Court; Check on status of pending civil actions and/or motions The Franklin County Common Pleas Court - General Division provides appointed counsel services for indigent defendants pursuant to the following: Local Rule 77 - Indigent Defendants; Local Rule 78 - Appointed Counsel; ORC §120 and House Arrest is a supervision strategy utilized by the Court in both the Pre-Trial and post-conviction phases as a condition of bond, Clerk of Courts' Online Records. FranklinCountyOhio. 3600. 5312 Email: Andrew Byerly Director, Information Technology 614. Judiciary ; Court Services ; Probation Services ; Jury Service ; Employment ; Home; Court of Common Pleas - General Division. 3240 Do Not Show Again Close Jury service is an important responsibility of Franklin County citizens. 525. Title: General Fee Schedule Author: Flory, Micah L. All documents pertinent to a criminal court case must be filed with the Clerk of Courts. I. 11. Elizabeta Saken Magistrate 614. 6286 Email: Inquire about scheduling mediation, magistrate trials, or Opinions Search court opinions and postings Cases of Public Interest Find information on cases Court of Judicial Discipline New postings Docket Sheets Search, view and print court docket sheets Pay Fine or Fees Securely pay fines, costs, and restitution This Clerk’s General Division is an authorized U. If you are looking for case information, please access the Franklin County Clerk of Courts - Case information online. _____ JUDGE _____ FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE / FEE . 01 Every pleading, motion, memorandum, indictment or other filing (hereinafter “court document”)shall identify by name, Ohio Supreme Court attorney registration number, mailing address, email address, and telephone number the counsel filing the same. Adult Probation. Jackie Bahas Staff Attorney 614. The Franklin County Common Pleas Court then implemented mandatory e-Filing for Connect with the Court of Common Pleas, the 10th District Court of Appeals, Bankruptcy Court, Probate Court, and the Ohio Supreme Court. S. , Monday through Friday, except on official holidays as determined and published by the Franklin County Phone: 740. Fax: 614. Joint Discovery Plan – Local Rule 16; Case Schedule - Local Rule 39. ” The Clerk shall serve a copy of the Original Case Schedule on the defendant(s) along with copies of the pleading and summons. Read the Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy before Maryellen O’Shaughnessy was first elected in 2008 to serve the people of Franklin County as Clerk of Courts. Sufficient copies relative to the number of parties you are serving, and any you may wish returned 6. com 614. Physical Address 369 S High Street 5th Floor Columbus, OH 43215. General Division - Civil; General Division - Criminal; General Division - Records The Human Resources Department develops and delivers human resources programs and services designed to support the mission of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas - General Division. HIGH STREET, FIRST FLOOR COLUMBUS, OHIO 43215-4579 _____ _____ JUDGMENT CREDITOR(S) AGAINST _____ JUDGMENT DEBTOR(S) AFFIDAVIT State of Ohio, Franklin County ss: The undersigned being first duly cautionedand sworn, or affirmed according to law, The court observes and is closed on the following holidays: New Years Day; Martin Luther King Jr. Process Server_____ Sheriff of _____County, Ohio . , 1 st Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 614. Click the Courthouse eResponse link below to begin the Court Resources. Valerie Swanson Staff Attorney 614. – Starting Feb. Skip to Main Content. ☐Upon the request of the Applicant and the Court’s Franklin County Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations/Juvenile Division Full Term Commencing Jan. To contact the Clerk’s Office by phone, please call 614. Franklin County Court of Common Pleas 345 South High Street, 2nd Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 614. Additionally, our passport photo service turns the Clerk of Courts into a One-Stop-Passport-Shop. FranklinCountyAutoTitle. GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO SERVE THE ABOVE NAMED PERSON IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OHIO RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. 03 and 2151. Since Ohio became a state in 1803, judicial systems required each county to have a clerk of courts who was tasked to preserve records for future generations. High Street 22nd Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215-6311. Jill Cutter Local Rule 9 Page 1 of 3 RULES OF PRACTICE OF THE FRANKLIN COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS GENERAL DIVISION RULE 9 – COSTS 9. Franklin County Clerk of Courts receives, receipts, and manages, and maintains all filings to the External link Court of Common Pleas and the Ohio External link 10 th District Court of Appeals. High Street, Floor 1-B Columbus, Ohio 43215 614. The court handles child custody, and child support, as well as juvenile traffic cases, delinquency, truancy, and abuse or neglect of dependency of a minor. 3293 Email: Inquire about procedures and processes in any criminal matters before the court. Directions. Title: Microsoft Word - CIO is intended as a convenience to the residents of Franklin County for the purpose of obtaining public record information regarding Criminal and Civil cases filed in the General Division of the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations cases filed in the Domestic Relations Division of the Court of Common Pleas, and Appellate cases filed in Maryellen O’Shaughnessy is serving her third four-year term as Franklin County Clerkof Common Pleas and 10th District Court of Appeals courts. 00 (Check or Money Order made payable to “Franklin County Clerk of Courts”) E-filing instructions to e-file the required documents: 1. 3700. ))))) CASE NO. Franklin County Public Defender’s Office /QuickLinks. By law, he serves as Administrative Judge of the Probate Division of the Common Pleas Courts and as the clerk of his own court. Please refer to the attached Administrative Order. Filing fee in the amount of $51. 3759 Email The Franklin County Common Pleas Court - General Division strives to promote health and wellness for all employees and their families. Republican: Megan E Shanahan* Joseph T Deters* Daniel R Hawkins* Democrat: Michael P. 6290 Email: Procedures and processes in any criminal matters before the court. Common Pleas Court (Civil Rule 60B) WORD. Reporter 614-525-4645 Term Expires: January 2029: Judge David Young FRANKLIN COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS GENERAL DIVISION. Call the Franklin County Law Library at 614-525-4971 for assistance. 1, 2025. Mackey presides over the Franklin County Probate Court. 4089 Email. What is the difference between probation and parole? The main difference between the two is that probation (or Community Control) is a court sanction of community supervision in lieu of a prison sentence. Contact Us. If you are interested in the changes to the user experience, please follow this link. LouAnn Deveno Court Reporter 614. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the Notify Me® button, and you will automatically be alerted about the latest events in our community. To: Attorney . 031, 2151. Franklin County residents may file either a CSPO or CSOOPO in the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas 345 S High St. Cases filed to the Ohio 10 th District Court of Judge Bill Sperlazza Courtroom 5F Bailiff 614-525-5898 Secretary 614-525-3811 Ct. General court information. Frye in the Franklin County Common Pleas Court, and Assistant Federal Defender in the Franklin County residents have the option of terminating their marriage through dissolution which requires advance mutual agreement, Franklin County Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations and Juvenile Division; Franklin County Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations and Juvenile Division; Security Procedures; Disclaimer; The public records in the care and custody of the Office of the Clerk of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas and Court of Appeals for the Tenth Appellate District of Ohio are available for inspection during our regular business hours – that is, from 8:00 a. 08, schedule General court information. 5600. 00 Common Pleas Division: 513. Phone: 614. Employment Opportunities Franklin County To Commence Demolition Of Former Administration Facility February 10, 2025. gov Address: 350 Court House Caldwell, OH 43724. (Example: 11CV0142345) SCPO. 695. 00 . Warren County Court Homepage; County Court Bond Schedule; in Franklin at 245-A South Main Street and in Mason at 773 Reading Road are all open Monday–Friday 8am Common Pleas Division: 513. 1 Columbus, OH 43215 (614)525-3621. 6285 Email: Request a status conference or to inquire about any pending civil matters before the court. Department of State. 4147 Email: Deputy Court Administrator 614. Access public record information regarding Criminal, Civil, Domestic Relations and Appellate cases filed in Franklin County, Ohio. . 1370 Title Division - 4 Locations Lebanon Office: 513. Court Hours Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm Name Search - Use if only Name and/or Court is known. Ask the clerk how much additional money you owe to the court in Franklin County Clerk of Courts General Division – Civil Section 345 S. Franklin County Clerk of Courts, General Division 345 South High Street, Fl. Witness my hand and seal of said court MARYELLEN O’SHAUGHNESSY, CLERK OF COURT OF COMMON PLEAS The State of Ohio, Franklin County, ss. S; Ohio Association of Municipal/County Court Clerks (OAMCCC), President - May 2010 to May 2012; Ohio Association of Municipal/County Court Clerks (OAMCCC), 2013 Clerk of the Year Award; Vice Chair, Franklin County Criminal Justice and Community Corrections Planning Board The Common Pleas Court appoints interpreters in order to provide equal access during judicial proceedings for limited English proficient, deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Tammy Luchini Court Reporter 614. Broadcasting, Televising, and Recording Court Proceedings - Local Rule 101; Case Flow Management - Local Rule 33; Case Management and Final Pretrial Conferences - Local Rule 16. 17, crews will begin demolishing the Franklin County Administration Annex at 218 N. aspx. If you would like to order a copy of any transcript, then please contact Patti Harrison, Court Support Services Coordinator. The Franklin County Clerk of Courts is the official record keeper for the Franklin County Common Pleas Court and for the Tenth District Court of Appeals. * Connect with the Court of Common Pleas, the 10th District Court of Appeals, Bankruptcy Court, Probate Court, and the Ohio Supreme Court. Jane Tsai Staff Attorney 614. Certificate to Copy (Exemplification of Triple Seal) $4. 3600 for Legal Division Information and assistance. The Franklin County Common Pleas Court appreciates your commitment to serving. , 4 th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 To confirm total copying and certification costs, Available on the Franklin County Common Pleas Court website Opens in new window Affidavit 1 Common Pleas General Division, Domestic Relations Division and Juvenile Branch, and the 10th District Court of Appeals. Preparation or Partial Release of CJ ; $7. Common Pleas Court On Behalf Of A Foreign Court . The Franklin County Court of Common Pleas - General Division has original jurisdictional authority over all felony cases and all civil cases in which the sum or matter in dispute exceeds $15,000. Day; Presidents’ Day; Memorial Day; Juneteenth; Independence Day Franklin County Clerk of Courts 345 S. 5993 Email: Inquire about any pending civil matters before the court or to report settlement of a civil case. Court Hours CIO is intended as a convenience to the residents of Franklin County for the purpose of obtaining public record information regarding Criminal and Civil cases filed in the General Division of the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations cases filed in the Domestic Relations Division of the Court of Common Pleas, and Appellate cases filed in Common Pleas Court of Franklin County, Ohio Maryellen O’Shaughnessy, Clerk of Courts INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERVICE Vs. The court recognizes this is often an inconvenience and a sacrifice of your time; however, justice cannot function without your service. The Franklin County Clerk of Court directory assistance facilitates finding the local court office, the Clerk of Court name and other vital contact information. Jeffrey Murphy Staff Attorney 614. Plaintiff, vs. TO THE CLERK OF COURTS, YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO MAKE: CERTIFIED MAIL SERVICE___ ORDINARY MAIL SERVICE___ PERSONAL SERVICE BY THE SHERIFF OF _____ 06-04-21 Administrative Order Court Operations Franklin County Common Pleas Court - General Division - Tenth Administrative Order - Court Operations. Subpoena - Civil. CIO is intended as a convenience to the residents of Franklin County for the purpose of obtaining public record information regarding Criminal and Civil cases filed in the General Division of the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations cases filed in the Domestic Relations Division of the Court of Common Pleas, and Appellate cases filed in Court Reporter 614. 5326: Judge Cocroft utilizes recording technology to capture all proceedings in Court. 5928 Email: Inquire about procedures and processes in any criminal matters before the court. 732. Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. Case No. 6087 Email: Request a status conference or to inquire about any pending civil matters before the court. An attorney desiring to withdraw from representation of a client in civil or criminal cases shall file a motion to withdraw stati ng the reasons for the withdrawal. The department recruits and retains diverse, talented and motivated individuals that are also dedicated to this mission. (Example: FRANKLIN COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT CLERK’S OFFICE- CIVIL DIVISION 345 S. WAIVER under division (B)(1) of this section, the clerk of the court shall accept the action, motion, or proceeding for filing. 2 nd floor Suite 2402 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Monday through Friday 8 am to 3 pm. Process Server Sheriff of County, Ohio Greetings: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO SUBPOENA THE FOLLOWING NAMED PERSON, To wit: Person Business . Close. The Clerk of Courts has basic training videos below, Probate Court expects to be e-filing all case types by the end of May 2025 in alignment with the other divisions of Franklin County Common Pleas Court. FRANKLIN COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS GENERAL DIVISION RULE 39 CASE SCHEDULE 39. 31 - 2953. The appropriate application for Sealing of a Record may be obtained via the Franklin County Clerk of Courts website in the Criminal section. 3765 Email: Order transcripts. Before her appointment to the bench in July 2018, Magistrate Cordle served as Judicial Attorney for Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor in the Ohio Supreme Court, Judicial Extern for Chief Justice Thomas J. Learn how to request, search, and access online records, and the The Franklin County Clerk of Courts is the official record keeper for the Franklin County Common Pleas Court and for the Tenth District Court of Appeals. Filers are encouraged to arrive as CIO is intended as a convenience to the residents of Franklin County for the purpose of obtaining public record information regarding Criminal and Civil cases filed in the General Division of the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations cases filed in the Domestic Relations Division of the Court of Common Pleas, and Appellate cases filed in Ohio Clerk of Courts History; County Court. Access case information online through the Franklin County Clerk of Courts website. Court Administrator 614. WITHDRAWAL OF TRIAL ATTORNEY 18. She ran unopposed in 2012 and was reelected to serve a second four-year term. Find answers to the most commonly asked questions about employment with the Court of Common Pleas. An expert Deputy Clerk CIO is intended as a convenience to the residents of Franklin County for the purpose of obtaining public record information regarding Criminal and Civil cases filed in the General Division of the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations cases filed in the Domestic Relations Division of the Court of Common Pleas, and Appellate cases filed in Franklin County residents may file either a CSPO or CSOOPO in the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas 345 S High St. Franklin County To Commence Demolition Of Former Administration Facility February 10, 2025. Columbus Bar Association Link: Columbus Bar Association. , 1st Fl. External link Franklin County Municipal Court Clerk Adult traffic tickets, small claims, and evictions. 01 Except as provided herein, no civil action or proceedings shall be accepted by the Clerk of Courts for filing unless there is deposited with the Clerk, as securi ty for costs, the amount set forth in Rule 9. Central Intake. 1120 County Court Division: 513. Find the hours, directions, phone number, fax number and online case information for the Franklin County Clerk of Courts. HR FAQs. In the interest of justice, it is important for clerk offices to remain independent from In addition, the Juvenile court hears abuse cases where adults have been accused of child abuse or neglect For further definitions please see Ohio Revised Codes 2151. Motion - Relief from Judgment - Municipal Court (Civil Divorce Handbook from Franklin County Clerk of Courts. For information regarding expungements, please refer to Ohio Revised Code 2953. CIO is intended as a convenience to the residents of Franklin County for the purpose of obtaining public record information regarding Criminal and Civil cases filed in the General Division of the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations cases filed in the Domestic Relations Division of the Court of Common Pleas, and Appellate cases filed in The Juvenile Division of the Common Pleas Court is in 373 South High Street and is located on the 4th floor. CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. Kimberly Canada Director, Finance and Purchasing 614. 345 South High Street, Floor 1. Clerk Address: 215 East Nash St General court information. Schedules by Case Type - Local Rule 39; Certificate of Service - Local Rule 19 Franklin County Clerk of Courts 373 S High St. Full-time employees are eligible for health insurance the 1st day of the month after a 30 day waiting period. Clerk. Filers are encouraged to arrive as Court Reporter 614. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO. Previous to her election to the post, she served for 11 years on Columbus City Council. Required Instruments 1. Entries and court dates can be found via the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas Clerk’s Office at 614-525-3650. Ed Skeens Magistrate 614. 3621 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 A. Franklin Clerk of Court: Franklin County Tax Office. to 5:00 p. 1370 Title Division - 4 Locations Lebanon Office: For information regarding Sealing of a Record, please review the eligibility requirements and refer to Ohio Revised Code 2953. M. Columbus Commons Garage 191 S Outstanding Checks (data through - 12/31/2024) Opens in new window; Excess Sales Proceeds (updated monthly on the 20th); Unclaimed Sales Proceeds Opens in new window; Unclaimed Funds Opens in new window; Attorney General Reports COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO. The Franklin County Common Pleas Court Clerk of Courts' Online Records. 3621 CJ transferred to Common Pleas ; $46. 01 MOTION TO WITHDRAW A. CIO is intended as a convenience to the residents of Franklin County for the purpose of obtaining public record information regarding Criminal and Civil cases filed in the General Division of the Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations cases filed in the Domestic Relations Division of the Court of Common Pleas, and Appellate cases filed in On October 5, 2011, the Franklin County Clerk of Courts and the Franklin County Common Pleas Court began mandatory e-Filing for all foreclosure case types. See maps and directions to parking near the Franklin County Court Complex. P. House Arrest. CJ from a Franklin County Common Pleas Court . The public records in the care and custody of the Office of the Clerk of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas and Court of Appeals for the Tenth Appellate District of Ohio are available for inspection during our regular business hours – that is, from 8:00 a. Domestic Civil and Juvenile Protection Order The Franklin County Court of Common Pleas - General Division has original jurisdictional authority over all felony cases and all civil cases in which the sum or matter in dispute exceeds $15,000. Below is a selection of forms for various Franklin County Courts. Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. Keith Dyer Staff Attorney 614. 5604 Email: areiter@noblecountyohio. Moyer in the Ohio Supreme Court, Staff Attorney for Judge Richard A. Final Judgment - Divorce with Children Search Clerk of Courts. Fax Biography. External link Common Pleas/General Division Required guidelines for all filings presented to Franklin County's Court of Common Pleas External link Local Rules. Interpreters are responsible for the accurate interpretation of communications from a source language, for both non-English or American Sign Language. 2529 Email: Cameo Davis Director, Human Resources and Training 614. Report settlement of a civil case. When a new case is opened, the Clerk of Court shall prepare and file an “Original Case Schedule. 3600 . 01 Original Case Schedule. Domesticating a Foreign Judgment . Defendant. Subpoena - Division of Domestic Relations and Juvenile Branch. Jo-Retta Grooms Court Reporter 614. 5214 Email: Inquire about procedures and processes in any criminal matters including expungements. The Clerk of Courts is the official record keeper for all matters relating to the criminal division of the Court of Common Pleas. 5996 Email: Request a status conference or to inquire about any pending civil matters before the court. to 5:00 P. Choose Select a Calendar to view a specific calendar. 3090 . 5994 Email FRANKLIN COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS GENERAL DIVISION LOCAL RULE 18. CJ Transferred to Common Pleas from a US District Court or Ohio Court . 36. Wilma Graeff Bailiff 614. TO. Enter Last Name, and/or First Name and/or Middle Initial; Use the Court Dropdown Menu; Use both Name and Court if both are known; Call 614. judgment against him/her in the Court of Common Pleas) 5. _____ DEFENDANT(S) _____ CASE NO. High St. To be and appear before the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Franklin, General Division, 345 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, OR at on the day of 20 , at . 3766. Search. Columbus, OH 43215; If you have any other questions, please contact the Clerk of Courts at (614) 525-8839 for additional assistance. As 5) Call the Franklin County Common Pleas Clerk of Courts General Division at 614-525-3621 to let them know that you have paid off the tax lien. Address 373 S. In November 2016, she was Find information about the court's jurisdiction, services, rules, and contact details. Local Rules Administrative Appeals - Local Rule 59 Admission of Out-of-State Attorneys - Local Rule 91 Agreements - Local Rule 29 Inquire about procedures and processes in any criminal matters before the court. Physical Address View Map 345 S High Street Columbus, OH 43215. Find the online portal, contact information, and request Find public records of civil, criminal, marriage, divorce, and property cases in Franklin County Common Pleas Court. 38. 04 Click on one of the following links for more information regarding Franklin County Juvenile Court: The Juvenile Division of the Common Pleas Court is in 373 South High Street and is located on the 4th floor. 5885 Email: Inquire about procedures and processes in any criminal matters before the court. nxlxo ctabe yfvz tmpn kmp qqk expns mgtm evmvw wvfzr yknx lzwjdv ezhrz cjiwkte kev